Real Herbal Healthcare
Reishi Chocolate Bar Recipe for Revitalization
Lung Loving Herbs to Support Respiratory Health
Supporting both the upper and lower respiratory systems herbally can be done with either an herbal formula like Lung Support, Breathe Light, or a single herb with an affinity for the lungs. Our all-time favorites for specifically targeting the lungs are elecampane, lobelia, osha, ground ivy, goldenrod, plantain, usnea, and horehound.
Five Essential Herbs to Carry With You
Herbs for LGBTQIA+ Support & Trans Care
We want to raise our voices in allyship towards our LGBTQIA+ friends and family members who benefit from the support of herbalism in so many ways. Herbalism is inherently gender-affirming. Here are some herbs that target optimum nourishment, overall endocrine health, and resourced well-being.
On an energetic level, there are herbs surrounding us that aid in identity-affirming no matter what step of the journey you are on. On a very physiological level, herbs can help tip the hormone scales to favor one over the other, balance above all, and support whatever goals you have.
Herbs to Support YOUR Menstrual Cycle
Leaning into herbal allies during your menstrual cycle is only natural - but by natural, I mean it is something that people have been doing for eons. Reaching out for plant-based support during the various phases of your mooncycle was at one point instinctive, perhaps sucking on a knob of ginger to quell the mitttelschmertz pangs that some can feel during ovulation or to ease painful PMS tendencies or making a strong brew from crampbark to address menstrual discomfort. Adjusting this picture to fit the contemporary uterus owner, we find that herbs are no less useful.