The lungs are an organ on which it is truly gratifying to witness just how effectively and incredibly herbs can take action. Whether its wheezing, throat tickles, or deep-seated raspy congestion you're trying to address, there is a broad range of herbs available. Supporting both the upper and lower respiratory systems herbally can be done with either an herbal formula like Lung Support or a single herb with an affinity for the lungs. Our all-time favorites for specifically targeting the lungs are elecampane, lobelia, osha, ground ivy, goldenrod, plantain, usnea, and horehound, all of which have a long history of lung support. 

Each of these lung loving herbs has specific indications and will be most supportive when well-matched to an individual. For example, someone dealing with an acute breathing issue may have the most efficacy with a fast-acting lung-specific herb, like osha or lobelia. However, those who have been managing a chronic cough for an extended period of time may find long-term lung nourishers like plantain, goldenrod, and ground ivy to be the most helpful. Let's discuss our most popular lung herb simples and blends for both chronic and as-needed use, along with specific indications for each. 

Elecampane (Inula helenium) Vintage Botanical Illustration

Herbal Formulas for the Lungs: Lung Support and Breathe Light

A dry, inflamed lower respiratory system may be soothed and nourished by cooling, mucilaginous herbs called demulcents which offer irritated tissues welcome moisture and ease. Our favorite go-to for supporting dry lungs over the long-term is a blend of elecampane, plantain, and horehound, a trio of herbs found in our Lung Support formula. Interestingly, because of the adaptogenic qualities of these herbs, they can also be supportive in the case of a wet, damp respiratory system or moist lung congestion because of their expectorant qualities that aid the body in getting rid of excess mucous. Elecampane acts as a deep cleaning agent for the lower respiratory, while horehound has a long history of use in opening up and soothing the breathing passages.

Breathe Light--containing goldenrod, ground ivy, and plantain--is our general respiratory tonifying formula for lung support that helps to maintain optimal health of both upper and lower respiratory system throughout the season of immune and/or respiratory challenges. The energetics and mechanisms of action for goldenrod, ground ivy, and plantain are synergistically soothing and inflamma-conquering, while also aiding the lungs in adapting to environmental and pathogenic disturbances. Ground ivy touts a history of use for overall detoxification, and specifically in regards to lung pathogens, while goldenrod enjoys a reputation for strengthening lung tissue, and plantain acts as an extra-gentle general use respiratory tonic.

Our hearts (and lungs) are with those who have experienced the physical and emotional tolls of place-based lung challenges from wildfires to increasing pollution. For those exposed to these situations who are calling in respiratory support, one way to nourish the lungs back to optimal health is by working with a formula like Breathe Light on a daily basis. 

Simple Herbs for the Lungs: Osha, Lobelia, and Elecampane

Osha is a low-dose botanical specific to acute lung and sinus issues, aiding the respiratory system in opening up, easing spasms, and soothing the airways. This powerful herb is helpful for many, but is to be taken in drop doses only, and should be used sparingly for sustainability reasons. Sourcing note: because of our commitment to plant sustainability and the future of herbs, we choose to offer only osha that is ethically and conscientiously wildcrafted by our team in Colorado.

Similarly, low-dose herb lobelia is best used in single drop doses as well, and has the ability to act remarkably quickly in situations of respiratory distress, opening air passages and acting as a potent antispasmodic. A low-dose acute bronchial dilator, lobelia is indicated for acute lung issues and in small amounts only so as to avoid gastrointestinal distress. Lobelia's uses for lung issues are myriad and its efficacy in small, drop doses (1, 3-5, or even 10 drops) is incredible. Keep in mind that we never want to use lobelia in larger doses as one of its traditional names is 'pukeweed' and (in some people) regular or large doses of this herb may lead to vomiting. Used appropriately in small doses, though, this herb has a strong affinity to the lungs and opening up the airways. Lobelia also aids powerfully in helping the body to restore health after substance abuse. PSA: don't confuse this type of lobelia (Lobelia inflata) which is most commonly used in herbalism with either of the other two common lobelias: cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) and great blue lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica). 

During times of those icky, sticky lung issues that are hard to shake off, we turn to reliable elecampane root. Elecampane is our favorite trusted and indispensable lung herb which acts as a sort of general disinfectant for the lungs and entire respiratory system. This is a traditional use of this plant which has carried over into modern practice due to elecampane's reliability and strong track record. Consider this strong-tasting root to offer your lungs the "deep clean" reset they might need. 

Usnea (Usnea spp.) Lichen Vintage Botanical Illustration

Lung Support + Immune Support

 Some folks experience immune challenges that "land" in the lungs, and they find that any time they come down with something, it typically affects their respiration first or strongest. We love nutritive nettle tincture and nettle infusions for lung maintenance during tough times. Stinging nettle is one of those herbs that can benefit everyone and can never do harm, only add to a baseline foundation of nourishment and nurturing nutrition.

For more hard-hitting lung support, usnea, a lung-loving lichen which even resembles the lungs in its physical form (see above), is a deep immune stimulant with a strong affinity for the lungs. Pairing immune-attuned lung herbs with Immune Blend and Viral Spiral at the beginning of an immune obstacle is a surefire way to fend off seasonal challenges.

Wild Cherry Bark Respiratory Support Syrup

During ongoing lung struggles that drag on for weeks or months, especially those that manifest in nighttime coughing, wild cherry bark is the soothing lung sedative to end all lung sedatives. It may be prudent to keep a bottle of our Wild Cherry Bark Syrup, a well-known calmative for the respiratory system, on the nightstand (and another in the bathroom cabinet) during the fall and winter for those pesky throat tickles and spasmodic respiratory issues that tend to come up seasonally. When it comes to offering children (over a year old) supportive lung herbs, wild cherry bark is a tried-and-true route to go. Wild Cherry Bark Syrup is a tonic combining lung helpers violet flower, sustainably harvested slippery elm, elecampane, and throat-coating mountain honey.

Violet (Viola spp.) Fresh Wild Plant Herb Chopping Leaf Flower Blossom

Depending on the formula or herb and its particular properties, herbs like plantain and elecampane can work quickly or steadily on the lungs to support the body's natural processes and return to easy breathing more quickly and easily, with minimal side effects. When selecting your lung nourishing herbs, be sure to take into consideration an individual's particular needs and goals and choose accordingly. Need help figuring out an herb or formula that's right for you? Get in touch with us here and we'll help guide you towards supportive herbal allies just for you. Long live your lungs!

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