Lung Loving Herbs to Support Respiratory Health

Lung Loving Herbs to Support Respiratory Health

Supporting both the upper and lower respiratory systems herbally can be done with either an herbal formula like Lung Support, Breathe Light, or a single herb with an affinity for the lungs. Our all-time favorites for specifically targeting the lungs are elecampane, lobelia, osha, ground ivy, goldenrod, plantain, usnea, and horehound. 

Nutritive Stinging Nettle Soup Recipe

Nutritive Stinging Nettle Soup Recipe

Ready for a family-friendly main course concocted from the plant thought to be the most nutritive on the planet? Get your harvesting gloves out, grab your scissors and a bag or colander, and let's get snipping. The recipe is super adaptable to whatever you have in your cupboard + nettles (or even other spring greens). 
Herbs for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth Part 1: Nourishment

Herbs for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth Part 1: Nourishment

Real, whole food, whole herb nourishment during pregnancy is not hard to come by once you familiarize yourself with herbs like nettle and oatstraw herbal infusions, which represent some of the highest sources on earth of trace minerals and nutrients and are even pumped with protein. The benefits of herbal vinegars include their ability to balance out the pH of the body, their helpfulness with digestive difficulties, and their friendliness to the health of the gut. 
Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica) Nourishing Herbal Infusion

Love of Nettles

by Corinna Wood My early love affair with herbs – which led to my life’s work -- started with nettles. I’ve heard similar stories from other herbalists: one special plant...
May 12, 2015 — Heather Wood Buzzard
Aller-Alert: Support in Season

Aller-Alert: Support in Season

We all know it’s coming – some of us may already be in the thick of it. The wheezing and sneezing, the bleary eyes, the runny nose, the throbbing temples, the ugh,...
April 29, 2015 — Heather Wood Buzzard