Real Herbal Healthcare
Aller-Alert: Support in Season
Reciprocal Wildcrafting: Unexpected Gifts of the Forest
Wild Cherry Bark Syrup!
Spring Chickweed Pesto
Herbs: Short vs. Long Term Use
Why It Matters Who Makes Your Herbal Products: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Red Moon Herbs!
Our focus on fresh, local, abundant plant material continues to set Red Moon Herbs apart, and while we’ve always been local, today we are even more so. When Red Moon Herbs moved to Earthaven Ecovillage 12 years ago, we actively encouraged and cultivated those previously wildcrafted “weeds” at our back door. Today, thanks to those efforts, the vast majority of our herbal allies are regularly harvested on site. This is as local as local gets!
How to Make a Plantain Spit Poultice for Stings, Bites, and More
Why Pay Attention to Poison Ivy?
Making Garlic Elixir: Our Recipe!
Since the garlic harvest season is fast approaching we’d like to share our Garlic Elixir recipe with you. As you stroll through your local farmer’s market this summer, keep an eye out for garlic and honey to brew up some zesty Garlic Elixir.