Bottled Sunshine With St. John's Wort

Bottled Sunshine With St. John's Wort

There is no other beneficial herb that bespeaks more of sunshine than St. John's Wort, or St. J’s, as we fondly call it. It loves sunny open places, blooms at the height of summer solstice, soothes the skin after sunburn, and even brings sunshine into our lives through its mood elevating properties.

July 26, 2011 — Red Moon Herbs
The Beneficial Powers of Honey

The Beneficial Powers of Honey

The bee is a symbol of the potency of nature. Like its human counterpart, it is attracted to a plant by its fragrant, colorful flower. The more beautiful the flower, the better chance it has of getting pollinated. In this symbiotic relationship, the plants grow, the world is beautified, and the bee gathers nectar from which it creates the sweet elixir of life – honey!

July 24, 2011 — Red Moon Herbs
Simple Plan for Spring Well Being

Simple Plan for Spring Well Being

Nature offers the BEST springtime tonic.

Whether you’re pleasantly well rested or suffering from cabin fever, Spring Equinox is the time to rediscover all the glories of the natural world!
March 15, 2010 — Red Moon Herbs
Anxiety, Depression, Stress? Support Yourself the Wise Woman Way

Anxiety, Depression, Stress? Support Yourself the Wise Woman Way

by Corinna Wood   So many people are experiencing mood disturbances these days. While the choice to use anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication is a valid one, the increase in use...
February 14, 2010 — Red Moon Herbs

An Interview With Kathleen Maier — Simple Solutions

by Lee Warren Kathleen Maier is a much-loved teacher at the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference, year after year. We’re so happy to have her this year teaching an intensive, a...
September 04, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

An Interview With ALisa Starkweather – Defining Empowerment

As the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference draws near (mid October), we’re taking this opportunity to feature some of the amazing teachers. Sharing her wisdom and description of empowerment is ALisa...
August 04, 2009 — Jeannie Dunn

An Interview With Bevin Clare, Herbalist and Mom

by Lee Warren Red Moon Herbs hosts the 8th annual Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference on October 12-14 in Black Mountain. Bevin Clare is a very special presenter. Here’s a short...
July 04, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

An Interview With Anyaa McAndrew – Shamanic Astrologer

by Lee Warren Continuing in our theme of introducing you to some of the amazing teachers at the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference, here’s an interview with Anyaa McAndrew. What are you...
June 04, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

An Interview with Dr. Jody Noé, Ethnobotanist

by Lee Warren At Red Moon Herbs and the SE Wise Women, we continue to gear up for the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference, on October 12-14, in Black Mountain.   This...
June 04, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

An Interview With Monica Corrado – Whole Foods Chef

Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, is a traditional food chef and holistic Certified Nutritional Consultant. She is the author of With Love from Grandmother’s Kitchen: Traditional Cooking Techniques for Well-Being, and an adjunct professor at Tai Sophia Institute. Monica has appeared on public television speaking on the issue of children and nutrition, is involved in the White House Chefs Move! to Schools initiative and was featured on the front page of the Washington Post Food Section.
June 03, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

Interview With Brooke Medicine Eagle

by Lee Warren This October (14-16), the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference will be hosting Special Guest, Brooke Medicine Eagle, a legendary Earth wisdom teacher, singer, visionary, catalyst for wholeness, and...
June 03, 2009 — Red Moon Herbs

Interview with Aviva Romm, MD – Walking in Two Worlds

Red Moon Herbs is a proud sponsor of the Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference. The Special Guest Speaker for the 8th annual event this year is Aviva Romm, MD, herbalist, doctor, and midwife. Here’s a short interview with Aviva that we wanted to share with our readers.

June 04, 2008 — Red Moon Herbs